history of force Dec 13 2018 | 1981 Force at ALACA Records (Camp Springs MD?)1981 Force at ALACA Records (Camp Springs MD?)2005 Washington City Paper Cover2005 Washington City Paper TOC2005 Wash City Paper: Alfred Morris III, Iron Man, and Force2005 Washington City Paper Inside Cover2005 Washington City Paper: Alfred Morris III2005 Washington City Paper: Larry Brown2005 Washington City Paper: House on Beech Avenue2005 Washington City Paper: Kim G. Martin2005 Washington City Paper: Alfred Morris III and Pick2005 Washington City Paper: Larry Brown1983 Force w/Roberta Cardwell (Bethesda MD private party)1982 Simona Queen (Bethesda MD private party with Force)1982 Kim Martin Bethesda basement1982 Larry Brown & Simona Queen Bethesda basement rehearsal1982 Larry Brown Bethesda basement rehearsal1982 Larry Brown Bethesda gig1982 Alfred Morris Bethesda basement rehearsal1982 Kim Martin & Alfred Morris Bethesda basement rehearsal1982 Force Bethesda gig